Disabled woman with bandaged arm signing document

Are Car Accident Settlements Taxable? Key Facts

January 23, 2024

When you’re involved in a car accident, the financial aftermath can be as bewildering as the incident itself; from compensation and wage loss to settlements and liability, it’s easy to find yourself confused amidst the chaos. However, an important question often arises for those in receipt of financial compensation: are car accident settlements taxable? Generally speaking, car accident settlements are tax-exempt, but there are some nuances that you should nonetheless be aware of. Let’s take a closer look.

What is a Car Accident Settlement?

A car accident settlement is an agreement reached between the involved parties (or their insurers) to resolve a claim without going to court. This settlement typically includes compensation for various damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. The purpose of these settlements is to make the injured party 'whole' again, at least financially.

Taxability of Car Accident Settlements

The general rule of thumb is that car accident settlements are not taxable; the UK tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), usually does not tax these settlements as they’re considered compensatory, not income. However, there are some nuances and exceptions.

Types of Car Accident Settlements and Their Tax Implications

Car accident settlements can be broadly categorised into several types, each with its own tax implications:

Compensation for Physical Injury or Sickness

If the settlement you receive is for personal physical injuries or sickness, it’s usually tax-free. This includes compensation for medical treatment, pain and suffering, and emotional distress directly linked to the physical injury.

Property Damage

Compensation for vehicle repairs or replacement typically does not attract tax: this is because the sum of average compensation for accidents is determined by the insurer, and designed to cover the repair costs in their entirety.

Lost Wages

This is where it gets tricky; compensation for lost wages due to time off work following an accident can be taxable since it replaces income that would have been taxed, but you may need to speak to a tax expert for advice on your particular case.

Exceptions and Special Cases

While the rules might seem simple, there are situations where tax considerations become more complex; for instance, if the accident was not your fault, and the settlement includes interest for the time the case was pending, this interest is taxable. Additionally, if you previously deducted medical expenses related to the injury from your tax and received a settlement for those same expenses later, you might have to 'recapture' some of the tax benefit you received.

Reporting Car Accident Settlements to the IRS

A dictionary definition of the word 'tax', surrounded by British banknotes and coins.

While most car accident settlements are non-taxable, it's important to report the income accurately if any portion of it is taxable; this is particularly relevant for lost wages or interest. Misreporting can lead to penalties and interest on any unpaid taxes, so it's always advisable to maintain thorough records of the settlement and related expenses.

Consultation with Tax Professionals

Given the complexities surrounding the taxability of car accident settlements, consulting a tax professional is always a good idea: they’ll be able to provide tailored advice based on your specific circumstances, and let you know whether your settlement includes taxable elements.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, while most car accident settlements in the UK are not taxable, there are some exceptions, especially if you end up in a long and lengthy process. And when in doubt, seeking professional advice ensures that you remain compliant with tax laws while focusing on your recovery.


Is the compensation for emotional distress taxable?

Compensation for emotional distress is generally tax-free if it is directly related to a physical injury. However, if the emotional distress is not linked to a physical injury, the compensation may be taxable.

What if I invested my settlement money and earned interest?

Any interest earned from investing your settlement money is taxable. The settlement itself might not be taxable, but the income generated from it is subject to taxation.

Can I deduct legal fees associated with my car accident settlement?

In the UK, you cannot generally deduct legal fees associated with a personal injury claim from your taxes. These expenses are usually considered personal and therefore not deductible.

Are car accident settlements for minor injuries taxable?

Settlements for minor injuries are treated similarly to those for more severe injuries. If the compensation is for a physical injury, it is usually not taxable.

What should I do if I'm unsure about the taxability of my settlement?

If you're unsure about the tax implications of your settlement, it's important to consult with a tax professional; they can provide guidance based on your specific situation and help ensure you comply with tax laws.

Do I need to report a non-taxable car accident settlement to HMRC?

Even if your settlement is non-taxable, it's a good practice to keep detailed records. However, you generally do not need to report a non-taxable settlement to HMRC.