man is in a squtting position, with his head in his hands, next to a crashed car

Whose Insurance Do I Call If Someone Hit My Car?

January 23, 2024

When you're involved in a car accident, it's natural to feel a mix of emotions: amongst them confusion, anxiety, and a multitude of questions. One of the most pressing questions is: "Whose insurance do I call if someone hit my car?" In the UK, this process can be straightforward, but it's important to understand the correct steps to ensure everything is handled efficiently and fairly. Let’s take a closer look.

Car Accident Insurance Protocols

The moments following a car accident are key: firstly you’ll want to ensure that everyone involved is safe and call emergency services if needed. The next step is to start thinking about the insurance implications - but remember, the goal is to resolve the situation with as little conflict as possible.

Exchange Information

After ensuring everyone's safety, exchange details with the other driver: this includes names, contact information, and insurance details. It's also wise to take note of the vehicle make, model, and registration number, and if there are witnesses, getting their contact information can also be helpful.

Determining Liability After a Car Accident

Determining who is at fault in a car accident is one of the trickier aspects of road accidents, especially as liability affects whose insurance will ultimately cover the damages. In some cases, liability is clear, but in others, it might be more complicated. Regardless, it's important to gather as much evidence as possible - like photos of the accident scene - to assist in this process, and bear in mind that you shouldn’t admit liability at the scene.

Contacting Your Insurance Provider

You should also inform your insurance provider about the accident as soon as possible, even if you believe you're not at fault. This is important for a couple of reasons: firstly, it prepares them in case the other party decides to make a claim against you, and secondly, they can start working on your claim if you have the appropriate coverage. Provide them with all the information and evidence you've gathered.

Your insurer will then guide you through the process, which may involve filling out an accident report form. Remember, honesty is key, and providing accurate and truthful information is important.

Contacting the Other Driver's Insurance

If the other driver is at fault, you can choose to contact their insurance company directly, and this is often the faster route for getting repairs and costs covered. When you contact them, be prepared with all the details of the accident, as well as your insurance information. Keep in mind, though, that dealing with another party's insurer can sometimes be more challenging, so patience and persistence are important.

In many cases, your insurance provider might handle this process for you, especially if you have comprehensive coverage; they can liaise with the other party's insurer to settle the claim, a process known as subrogation.

Dealing with Uninsured or Unknown Drivers

driver calls the insurance company or the police

So, what if the other driver is uninsured or flees the scene? In these cases, the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB) can help, as they can provide compensation in cases where the liable party is uninsured or cannot be traced. However, you should still report the incident to your insurer and the police. For more guidance on how to take action against an uninsured driver, visit our detailed blog post.

Seeking Legal Advice

In some instances, especially where there's a dispute over liability or significant damages or injuries, seeking legal advice can be beneficial; a legal expert can help you navigate the complexities of your claim, while also ensuring that your rights are protected and maximising the chances of a positive outcome. At RTA Claims, we offer stress-free accident management services, and we’re here to guide you through the entire process and connect you with the right legal support.

The Bottom Line

Overall, when someone hits your car, it's important to stay calm, gather information, and contact the relevant insurance providers promptly. Whether you contact your insurer or the other party's insurer, the key is to provide accurate information and attempt to get through the process with as little conflict as possible. Remember, assistance is always available, whether through your insurance provider, legal advisors, or accident management services like us.


Can I choose not to involve insurance companies and settle privately?

Yes, it's possible to settle privately, especially for minor accidents, however, you should still inform your insurance company about the incident to avoid any breach of your policy terms. Settling privately means you and the other party agree on covering the repair costs without involving insurance claims. Ensure any agreement is documented in writing.

What should I do if the other driver disagrees with my version of the accident?

If there's a dispute over the details of the accident, try to gather evidence such as CCTV footage, dashcam recordings, or witness statements and present this evidence to your insurance provider. In complex cases, they might conduct an investigation to determine liability.

How long do I have to report an accident to my insurance company?

While policies vary, it's generally advisable to report any accident to your insurance company within 24 hours or as soon as possible. Delaying beyond your policy's specified time frame could invalidate your claim.

Will my insurance premium increase if I make a claim?

This depends on your insurance policy and whether you were at fault. If you're claiming on your policy and you're at fault, your premium might increase. However, if you're not at fault and the claim is against the other driver's insurance, your premium might not be affected.